Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The Highway Banner Speaks to Commuters

Ok...this title sounds a little strange, I know...but follow me for a moment.  I know you've seen our big highway banner that is up on the church sign on highway 183.  Well, I've personally been praying that as folks pass by day after day that it wouldn't just become a part of their every day scenery, but it would jump out and grab their attention, and that they would make plans to attend one of the IMAGINE CHRISTMAS shows.  Are you still with me?  So yesterday, in the middle of a crazy Monday, Ms. Vicki answered the phone to begin talking to a 183 commuter who decided to make that phone call to get information about our program.  YES!!!!  It's working!  Our 183 friend and his family love to attend Christmas shows each year.  He's been looking for the one they would attend this year and decided to give our program a try.  Oh, but this story gets better.  He told Ms. Vicki that he THINKS that his children have heard the Nativity story before....  Ponder that for a moment.  Now, I don't know who all is reading this blog day in and day out (and hope there are bunches), but if you are like me, you probably feel like you've always known THE NATIVITY STORY.  Is that how the world thinks of this story?  A frozen Nativity scene?  You know, you have them on the front of your Christmas card.  You sit them on your coffee table.  You see them in people's yards all lit up at night.  Maybe you have one in a snow globe on your desk at work.  Common place this time of year, right?  But The Nativity Story is so much more to me, as I hope it is to you.  It is the story of God's Son leaving his home coming down to earth to be one of us - Jesus, Emmanuel, God With Us.  A promise fulfilled in the flesh.  And not just to be a cute baby on a Christmas card, or to give song writers a precious topic for writing hit songs.  He left that manger and grew up to walk this earth as a man - a Perfect One.  And there was only one reason...to build a bridge through His sacrifice on a terrible cross so that you and I could be reconciled back to God.  How can we help the world understand that part of the message?  Well, one way is getting them to come see IMAGINE CHRISTMAS...our version of The Nativity Story.  There is huge world that doesn't know the reason we celebrate Christmas.  There are children who might have heard it before, but most likely have not.  And guess what folks....they are driving down 183 and 157, all over town, looking for a place to see a Christmas show.  Please join me in several things.  1) Pray that our Highway Banner will be a beacon on that road for those searching...for more than a good show this season; and 2) invite someone.  Statistics show that over 80% of non-believers would attend a church service if they were extended a personal invitation by a friend, neighbor or co-worker.  Who is it in your life?  They are waiting on you.  We can't let that highway sign do all the work for us this Christmas.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love being able to send invites via email, but did not see times and dates included in the invite. Did I miss them somewhere?